“SiMulPro Core Emulations Show Near Linear Performance Scale-up with Inner Loop Optimization of an O(N^2) Function”
IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing at Washington, D.C. November 8-9, 2017
Invited Poster with Publication Presentation by Earle Jennings:
“Securing Data Centers, Handling Computers, and Networked Sensors Against Viruses and Rootkits”
Published in: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC)
Today’s data centers, their handheld computers and network sensors, are discussed in terms of how they are penetrated by viruses and rootkits. This paper then presents a new computer architecture, implemented to be semantically compatible with an existing microprocessor, along with modification of several system components commonly found in data centers. The new computer architecture physically separates instruction memories from data-related memories removing the possibility of installing viruses and rootkits. Application compatibility is insured by the semantic compatibility of the cores with the existing superscalar microprocessor. Communications, memory controllers, and memory devices throughout the data center, handheld computers and network sensors physically segregate task-instruction information from data-related information to further remove any opportunity for these hidden threats becoming installed threats.
Tenth Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computing Employing New Technologies, 2017 at Sandia National Lab, Albuquerque, NM May 29-June 2, 2017
Presentation by Earle Jennings:
“New Computer Architecture to Resist Viruses and Rootkits”
Super Computing Frontiers and Innovations Journal – 2017
Two papers by Earle Jennings:
“Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) Messaging Protocol”
“Core Module Optimizing PDE Sparse Matrix Models With HPCG Example”
India Institute of Science, hosted by Prof. S.Khttp://superfri.org/index.php/superfri/article/view/135. Nandy, March 22
Earle Jennings talk:
“Cores for Embedded Controllers and Super Computers- synergistic research results”
Super Computing Frontiers Conference, March 13 – 16, 2017, Singapore
Earle Jennings presentations:
“Compile-Time Reconfigurable Superscalar Computer Architecture”, and
“Simultaneous Transmit And Receive (STAR) Messaging Protocol”
Earle Jennings paper:
“Application Configurable DRAM Memory Management for HPC and Big Data”
ICCEE 2016, The 9th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, Dec 7 – 11, Barcelona, Spain
Earle Jennings presentation:
“Simultaneous Multi-Processor Cores for Efficient Embedded Applications”.
Paper published in Journal of Computers.
SC 16, The Emerging Technologies Showcase, Nov 15 – 17, Salt Lake City, Utah
Earle Jennings presentation:
Reconfigurable Compile-time Superscalar Computer
ARM Research Summit, Sept 15 – 16, Churchill College, Cambridge, England
Earle Jennings presentation:
“Simultaneous Multi-Processor Cores for Efficient Embedded Applications”
Poster presentation:
“Transforming Today’s Superscalar Instruction Interpreter into a Compile-time Utility”